Clickup Review

Clickup Review: Top 5 Reasons We Love Clickup as an Agency

As a digital marketing agency, we constantly have hundreds of ongoing projects, big and small, across a multitude of services areas be it Web Design, Web Build, PPC, SEO, Social Media, Graphics and so on. To say we have tried many Project Management tools would be an understatement, be it Asana, Trello, Wunderlist…there many! 

We actually stumbled upon Clickup by chance and were intrigued by their ‘save 1-day a week’ statement and also rather clever, ‘make an offer’ pricing option which leads us on to instigate a trial. 4 months on and what I can say for a certain is we will not be reverting back to previous software this time. We are here to stay and stick with this powerhouse of a project management tool, for the top 5 reasons outlined below. 


The platform simply looks superb. As an agency, we thrive on fantastic UI and UX and Clickup nails it. It’s a pleasure to work with on an hour-by-hour basis and presents tasks in an intuitive and aesthetically pleasing manner, irrelevant of HOW the tasks are presented, be it in List View, GANTT Chart view or even a mind map view. 

GANTT View in Clickup Review

2. Customisability & Adaptability

No two companies are the same and therefore neither should the software they run on. Sadly, this often isn’t the case with many apps and software restricting what users and businesses can do. Not with ClickUp though! This is one of the reasons why ClickUp is so good and is quite simply down to its level of customisability and the extent to which you can adapt the system to work exactly how you want it to work. We used Trello prior to Clickup for much of our ongoing daily task management and it doesn’t even come close to Clickup in this area. Almost every operation is now managed within ClickUp, something I originally never thought achievable from one bit of kit. 

3. Time Saving Automations

As an agency, we love our automation and integrations! You can easily automate some of the most arduous time-consuming tasks. One example of this that we use is when a lead is converted to a sale, depending on the project type (Web Design, PPC, SEO), ClickUp automatically creates an entire project map and task map for that particular client, spanning months in advance and auto assigning tasks to particular staff. Nifty stuff, and hundreds of them vital hours saved!
Clickup Automations Review

4. Guest & Client invites

One of the key considerations for any business or agency is being able to communicate with clients as clearly and smoothly as possible. ClickUp’s Guest/Client invite system allows just that! The system allows easy invitation with access control to ensure they only see the area you designate. From there, your Guests/Clients can assign tasks to you, be kept up to date on project/task progress, provide comments and feedback and even share files or documentation all in one easy portal. Amongst all of the benefits described here, just click ‘+Invite’ and you open up a whole new way to communicate with clients effectively and with full transparency!

5. Powerful integrations

In keeping with our love for an integration! Clickup is quite frankly seamless in this area. It integrates with Dropbox, Slack, Hangouts, Zoom, ZenDesk, Github to name a few! One of the key integrations that lead us to include this as a key point in this article, however, is with reference to how it has streamlined our sales flow. ClickUp’s integrations with Zapier and WordPress means sales leads, enquires, SEO Audit, PPC Audit, Web Design requests and even support tickets, now come direct into ClickUp as a task.
Clickup Integrations
ClickUp is an innovative, holistic and diligent task management tool that integrates business process, clients services and vital management, achieving an all-in-one solution opening up new horizons for any company. That’s our closing statement in one sentence but there are truly 100s of things you could say about ClickUp, what we know is if you need any of the above, you have found the holy grail just like us! 
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