How to Improve Ranking on Google Business

How to Improve Ranking on Google Business: Climbing the Google My Business Ladder


If you’ve ever wondered how to improve ranking on Google My Business, then you’re in the right place! Atomic is a leading UK Digital Marketing Agency based in Warrington and Southampton and we’ve concocted a delightful concoction of helpful Local SEO and GMB tips that will get you to the top of the GMB game. So, buckle up, buttercup! We’re about to catapult your business to Google My Business stardom (insert dramatic drumroll here) using Atomic’s GMB profile as an example. 


Get Your NAP Right, or Take a Nap

NAP isn’t just a short snooze we all crave after lunch. It’s also an acronym for Name, Address, and Phone Number – the essential information Google My Business relies on to rank your business. Make sure you get it right or be prepared to take an actual nap while your competitors rise in the ranks. You can see Atomic’s NAP in this screnshot here: 


Atomic's Google my Business Profile - NAP


Embrace the Power of Reviews (No Bribes, Please)

Atomic knows how tempting it is to bribe Aunt Brenda with homemade cookies to write a rave review about your business. But, trust us, that’s not the way to go having seen many clients fall foul of this exact trap. Encourage and invite genuine reviews from your satisfied customers. More positive reviews will make Google believe you’re the bee’s knees and push you up those much sought-after rankings. Just remember, when it comes to reviews, quality beats Aunt Brenda’s cookie-induced ramblings.


Be Generous with Photos (No Catfishing Allowed)

A picture is worth a thousand words, and in this case, it could be worth a higher ranking on Google My Business. Upload high-quality photos of your products, services, work, and location, but please, no catfishing. Using images of an upscale restaurant when you’re running a cozy little cafe is not going to make Google (or your customers) very happy. Be true to yourself, and Google will reward you with rank. 


Update Your Business Info Like You Update Your Social Media

Let’s face it, we’re all guilty of updating our social media profiles more often than we’d like to admit. So, why not extend that enthusiasm to your Google My Business listing? Keep it fresh, relevant, and up-to-date. Google loves a well-maintained listing and may just bump you up the rankings for your diligence and for fundamentally improving Google’s own user experience. It’s all about playing their game! 


Get Your Category Game on Point

Selecting the right category for your business is like choosing the perfect outfit for a first date – it can make or break your chances. Be as specific as possible when selecting your business category. If you’re a vegan pizzeria, don’t just choose “restaurant.” Go for “vegan restaurant” or “pizza restaurant.” The more precise you are, the better your chances of attracting the right customers and making Google fall head over heels for your listing. Atomic as a Digital Marketing agency is a little restricted on what we can choose and so by way of example, our chosen GMB category is ‘Marketing Agency’.


It’s All About the Keywords, Baby

If you’ve been wondering how to improve ranking on Google My Business, you simply can’t ignore the power of keywords. Be sure to include relevant keywords in your business description, but don’t stuff them in like a Thanksgiving turkey. Google is smart enough to know when you’re trying to game the system. Use keywords naturally, and your business will soar up the ranks like an eagle – a majestic, keyword-loving eagle.


How do you find these keywords I hear you asking? One of Atomic’s favourite keyword research methods is using a tool called SEMRush. Using this tool, you can add any keyword you broadly or exactly want to target and review how much search volume there is per keyword and how difficult that keyword is to rank for (Like the attached image below). Obviously, the better your SEO and domain authority, the more capable you will be of ranking those higher-difficulty keywords. 


SEMRush Keyword Research


Don’t Be Afraid to Get Local

Think globally, but act locally. This is not just a mantra for environmentalists; it’s also the key to success on Google My Business. Make sure you mention your local area and what you offer to the community. Google loves a good local hero, and your business could become the next Robin Hood of the search results.


Respond to Reviews Like a Pro (Even the Not-So-Nice Ones)

Show Google you care by responding to all reviews – the good, the bad, and the downright ugly. A well-crafted response to a negative review can turn a disgruntled customer into a loyal fan. It also signals to Google that you’re engaged with your customers, which could give you a boost in the rankings. Remember, a spoonful of diplomacy makes the criticism go down.


Be the Social Butterfly You Were Born to Be

Google loves businesses that are active on social media – at the end of the day, all you are doing is creating a better user experience for Google’s users and being rewarded for doing so with rank. Share updates, promotions, and behind-the-scenes content on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Not only will it help you engage with your customers, but it will also send a signal to Google that your business is alive and kicking. Being social can help improve your ranking on Google My Business, and let’s be honest, who doesn’t love a good GIF?


Get Listed in Local Directories (And Keep It Consistent)

Your business needs to be listed in all the right places, and by that, we mean local directories. Make sure your NAP information is consistent across all platforms. Consistency is the key to building trust with Google and helps to avoid confusion when Google is trying to determine your business’s legitimacy. Don’t forget, a confused Google is not a happy Google. 


Engage with Google’s Q&A Feature Like a Seasoned Quizmaster

The Google My Business Q&A feature is a treasure trove of customer insights. Keep an eye on the questions and answer them as promptly and accurately as possible. By engaging with your customers and prospects, you’ll show Google that your business is not only active but also a valuable resource for the community.


Keep an Eye on Your Google My Business Insights

Last but not least, don’t forget to check your Google My Business Insights regularly (See attached). This treasure trove of data can help you fine-tune your listing and discover areas where you can improve to turly help improve ranking on Google My Business. Use this information to adjust your strategy and continue your quest to conquer the Google My Business rankings.


Google my business insights and performance


To Sum up

By now, you should have a solid understanding of how to improve your ranking on Google My Business. Just remember, climbing the Google My Business ladder is a marathon, not a sprint. Stay consistent, engage with your customers, and keep your listing up-to-date. All it comes down to is playing Google’s game and doing everything in your power to ensure you are improving the experience of Google’s users. If you are helping Google in this regard, you will most certainly be rewarded with Rank.

With these tips and a dash of humour on how to improve ranking on Google My Business, you’ll be well on your way to becoming the king or queen of the Google My Business realm!

If you or your business does need any support on Google Business, Local SEO or any other remit of Digital Marketing, be sure to get in touch.

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