What is an Algorithm in Digital Marketing?

What is an Algorithm in Digital Marketing?

Artificial intelligence or AI is having a massive impact not only on manufacturing but also in digital marketing. An example of AI is an algorithm, best explained as a mathematical set of rules that control how a data group behaves. 


In digital marketing, algorithms assist in ranking search results, advertisements and also maintain order. There are currently over four billion internet users, and it is a huge task to manage and monitor online traffic. Algorithms determine what content we see and engage with on social media platforms.


What Is an Algorithm?

Algorithms are a logical series of step-by-step instructions that are followed to solve a problem. In computing, this is referred to as input and output. An excellent example of an algorithm is a search engine. 


It takes a search query as an input and searches the internet for sites relevant to the keywords in the search. The algorithm then outputs the results as a list of the most relevant sites related to the keyword.


An Introduction to Algorithms in Digital Marketing

Many online platforms like Google have adopted a user-friendly focus that encourages users and web developers to submit high-quality and relevant content. By ranking content and users, online algorithms allow users to engage with consumers more personally. Marketers are starting to use these algorithms to their advantage to build brand awareness and improve their services.


Each Social Media platform uses its own algorithms to deliver content based on its user’s online behaviour. As such there is no single approach to online marketing. Let’s look at how algorithms work on each platform.



In the past, Facebook posted its content in chronological order with newest posts being shown first. With new algorithms, Facebook presents posts and ads based on what they think their users want to see. Facebook puts content from friends and family members first, before brands or businesses. Social Media platforms will prioritize any post you react to or comment on. Facebook also shows recent content from your friends and family. 


Facebook recently announced that they would be prioritizing posts in Groups and Events as well, as these are the most visited pages on the platform. Business owners are advised to create these pages in addition to their business page to reach more people.


Facebook also introduced the learning phase, which is the period of time Facebook takes to work out how it can generate the best possible results for your ad campaign. Facebook achieves this by presenting an ad to many people within a target audience and then determines who is most likely to respond. The auto pushing budget suggests a budget for your ad campaign to deliver the most suitable ads to your target audience, and enables you to minutely set the parameters for your budget.




Instagram’s engagement rate is the highest of all social media platforms, and the algorithm ensures you see content with the highest number of likes. Another characteristic of this algorithm is that it prioritizes posts from profiles that users engage with regularly and consistently. 


Also, the more recent the post, the more likely it will be recommended to other users. If you want your content to get noticed on Instagram, engage with users during the first hour after posting something.



Bloggers use Pinterest to get organic traffic in large numbers each month. The algorithm prioritizes pins with the most engagements. Pins must be original, fresh, and recent, and images must be of high quality. Digital marketers use a scheduling tool to pin up to a maximum of 50 pieces of content a day.



Most B2Bmarketers use LinkedIn as an effective and targeted marketing tool. LinkedIn prioritizes users’ content who post consistently and whom you have engaged with in the past. The platform does not prioritize content from business pages but instead favours native content such as text posts and videos or images with text.


Google Ads

Google uses the following to rank content as part of Google Ads PPC; ad position, ad rank, and quality score. Ad position refers to the order of your ad compared to other ads on Google. The higher your ad position, the better the chance that users will see it. Google algorithms calculate your ad rank and then give it a quality score. To score high on Google rankings, you need to create high-quality content for users and potential customers.


The algorithms used by Google will display ads to those in the market for that specific product or service. The algorithm achieves this through tracking consumer behaviour over time. The algorithm further keeps the users on the platform by feeding them similar content, and this makes these sites very profitable to those who play the algorithm right. 



The PPC Algorithm

The PPC or pay-per-click algorithm is a fast and easy way to promote your products and reach potential customers. PPC is part of search engine marketing and uses SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to reach its intended target audience. 


Every time a potential customer clicks on an ad or image, the advertiser pays. It is advisable first to gauge how your ad campaign performs before you put more money into them. Successful campaigns are profitable and convert users into customers. 


If you are having issues with your PPC or the algorithm seems to be mishandling your campaigns, yielding volatile and less and ideal results, get in touch and Atomic can help as part of our PPC Services across Facebook Ads, Google Ads, LinkedIn Ads, BingAds & More. 



SEO and Google Algorithms

SEO uses keywords to bring targeted traffic that is most likely to convert users into customers. SEO also optimizes your site for search engines like Google, Yahoo and others. Characteristics like loading speed, quality, and relevancy play a crucial role in the final ranking. 


Search engine results are either organic or paid results. Organic search results are based on merit and are seen as the most trustworthy and relative content on the subject. Finally, SEO has a significant influence on the traffic to your site and should be used correctly. To succeed with SEO, create content around topics that your customers search for within your niche.



Attribution Modelling

An attribution model follows the consumer’s path to purchase. Digital marketers use this strategy to analyze and assign credit to marketing touchpoints. A touchpoint is every step of the customer’s journey from searching for a product to purchasing the product. Attribution models help marketers better understand which parts of their marketing funnel are most effective and which need more targeting.



Algorithms and the Future of Digital Marketing

Algorithms will continue to advance, and marketers must stay abreast of the latest developments. AI technologies such as algorithms are the future of digital marketing. Advances in data collection and processing are guaranteed due to the increased volumes of online users and content. AI is assisting marketers in creating effective strategies and content based on the behaviour of their targeted customers.



In Conclusion

Instead of feeling perplexed by the ever-changing algorithms used by social media platforms, marketers must learn to use the advances in their favour. Improved digital strategies will build brand awareness and loyalty and convert looks into sales. Effective implementation of digital marketing will have a direct impact on your revenue.


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